The True Adventures of Carbon
A little horse with a huge a personality.
That’s Carbon!
Horse Crazy
Many women fall in love with horses as girls and never lose their admiration for the beauty, dignity, wisdom and whimsicality of the creatures.
The Healing Touch of Horses
True stories of courage, hope, and the transformative power of the human / equine bond.
A Cup of Comfort for Dog Lovers
Stories that celebrate love, loyalty, and companionship.
Sue Lamoree is an author of children's books and inspirational short stories that lift the spirits of children and adults living with disabilities. She has written a few short stories under her maiden name Sue Hutchinson, published in the following anthologies: The Healing Touch of Horses, Horse Crazy, and A Cup of Comfort for Dog Lovers. She recently published a children’s book about a precocious little pony named Carbon. The story is based on true events taken from Carbon’s unusual life and is told from the horse’s perspective. Sue is also soon to publish a middle grade novel about an eleven-year-old boy experiencing life from a wheelchair. After spending over twenty-two years as a quadriplegic, Sue has recognized the need to share her positive experiences while living in a wheelchair through fantasy and fiction.
Sue and her husband Guy live on Camano Island, where they enjoy the beauty and abundant wildlife of Skagit Valley and Port Susan. Keep reading →
The five stages of grief consist of denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Apparently not everyone experiences all stages and not always in that order. It’s easy to recognize a need to process grief with the loss of a loved one. It’s not as easy when transitioning through a life-changing event, whether it’s yours or a loved one’s.